Hello everybody this is going to be really long so please bear with me. I (23 f) have been feeling so down for the past couple years despite being involved in social activities, going to therapy, taking medication, and having a support system. I’m at the very bottom of my career since I’m in my early 20s so I’m just starting out and have to be in a company to get a career start regardless of if the environment is healthy or not and in my situation it isn’t. I’m constantly crying and sometimes feel sick to my stomach. I feel alot of the time that there isn’t hope for me or light at the end of the tunnel even though I know there is. I have the best support system but still feel really lonely and unmotivated. I also have never had a bf and really want one. I have tried to put myself out there but am not having luck. It hurts especially around the holidays. I message guys and things never go farther than one reply. It seems like that experience of young love is slipping away and I just long to experience it while I’m still young. All of these things plus personal things that I don’t want to talk about have just been beating me down. I really hope things get better with my career and everything else because I really do work so hard and try to be the best person I can be. If you made it to the end ily.
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