Feeling Inferior Than Your Community:

1 month ago 17

After high school I got into nursing school because it was the only thing that accept me and the only things my parents let me do, I asked my mom (engineer) if she can pay for what I want to do and that parents want there children to be better than them, and she said “I cannot waste my money on somethings you cannot handle and do”, I couldn’t have never thought that she could say that.

After a year, I saw that they where talking to my sister (medicine) about buying her a car, ‘cuz she will need it in her training, that where I told them I start going to hospital since last year and you didn’t even thought about getting me one, and then they told me that I misunderstood what they said, that they mean to get as both one, I tried bring in the words that my mom said last year about how I was not good enough for her to pay for me, and she said “I would never said that”.

Obviously her co-workers thinks the same things, there kids didn’t even get accepted on anything and they where ready to pay for them, I hate how people always feel sorry for me, it makes me sick

submitted by /u/Ecstatic-Ticket-4063
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