Family is honeslty useless and they wont "be there for you"

2 months ago 77

Be lucky if you were born to a good family and parents because that isnt the case for some of us.

Im 22 years old and havent spoken or seen my parents in 3 years. They dont give an actual fuck. I could tell them im homeless or starving they wouldnt care lol. I also have 3 siblings, also havent spoken to them or seen them and proably will never see any of them again in this life time.

Could i make an effort? Sure i could, but id just be gaslit and we have nothing in common anyways, they are all only for themsleves. Classic mormons ...

I have not a soul i could call for help if times get screwed and i actually need something. And im sure im not the only one. The fact that homeless people exist proove that family doesnt mean shit. Like why wouldnt your family members do any thing and everything to help you off the streets ?? Unless your family has passed etc... im not even talking about the homeless on drugs who randomly stab people, and have mental illness theres a whole sub r/urbancarliving about normal people who live in their cars because they cant afford an apartment .
Its just insane to me. Family is just so usless. I also have 6 uncles and 7 aunts. And mannyyyy cousins. Also was never close with any of them and even speaking to them would just be awkward.

submitted by /u/Electronic_Salt_7679
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