
1 month ago 48

So, I fucked up pretty badly and now my family thinks it’s a good idea to fuck with me. I got into some pretty bad things(drugs, soliciting, etc) as a teenager/early adulthood and now I’m having a hard time getting out of it. Instead of doing an intervention, a sit down, even just calling me out on my bullshit… they made it a joke told everyone my business and exploited the situation. Now idk how to feel. I can change myself for the betterment of me… I guess that’s the only option, really. But for the darkest moments of my life to be propaganda for them makes me physically sick. The effect I think they wanted backfired. I don’t think I want to remain in contact moving forward

A piece of me thinks I deserve it. A piece of me knows what they’re doing is not humane. Idk why I felt like writing about it somewhere so I don’t implode. Thx for my Ted talk don’t do drugs

submitted by /u/Efficient_Day_8387
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