Everyone in my life turned on me, why did they and what was the reason for it?

1 month ago 20

Nearly 5 years ago, my life changed forever. I was stuck in a cycle of substance abuse that I am not breaking out of and trying to better myself.

I lost my father at 18. I saw him die and it traumatized me. Despite that I graduated from college with my degree and started working professionally and my career began.

I lost 50 pounds over the last year, grew my hair out, and started dating a girl that grew into a relationship.

Initially I received compliments from my friends but these grew into thinly veiled insults. My friends started to mention events from high school and tried to belittle my success. Eventually one of the friends in the group accused me of using the N word when this did not occur. I suddenly had an entire group turned against me plotting on my downfall. I knew these people were no longer for me so I decided to exit the group.

The friend who functioned as the anchor of the group with the house we all partied at attempted to keep me from leaving by giving me drugs and alcohol which I refused knowing their addictive qualities. I left the group abruptly without warning because I knew how destructive their behaviors were towards me.

They even tried to sue me in court in a poor attempt at retribution. The case fell apart and no charges were given to me thankfully. There was insufficient evidence, this was used primarily as a way to waste my time nothing more.

submitted by /u/rozayxkris
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