emo books are cringe and out of date

11 hours ago 5

its just so cringe esp when its written by somebody grown likeee…. this a grown man rn talking bout his absent father like get a man then if u want one so much. like its literally SUCH negative vibes i dont even like fantasy but its so much better we talk about dragons n shit than talking about emotions like whatttt is the point if u wanna cry u dont gotta write it down dafuqqqqq #reallll especially if ur grown like go pay ur taxes u fucking sissy

ummm idk why it got deleted initially said it was too short so this part is me making it longer so the mods approve it because i literally feel like 2025 is bringing back literary REALness. we dont want emotions or any of that and we most definitely dont want politics litrrally eww helloo????? its all propaganda and reality is an illusuoon ANYWAY. bring back nonchalant writers like murakami and bulgakov.

submitted by /u/Ok_Eye9396
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