Don’t you hate it when people just invite themselves into your conversation and actually start putting their own 2 cents in?

1 month ago 61

So me and two other coworkers were standing in the lounge discussing a union issue. One of them stressed that he was fed up with the political way that management handled the department. He stressed how disappointed he was in the favoritism and unfairness and that he was working on a plan to change things within the department. Me and the employee that he stressed this to agreed to his concerns, but I warned him that since he was fairly new to the company, he should tread lightly in speaking his mind in such a way because it could backfire on him. I advised him to at least establish himself, you know. Get some time in. Suddenly, here comes the nosiest employee that any corporation can offer a job to. I swear this boy is so immature and nosy. Everything he says is childish. He walked past us, seen that we were in a discussion and he just stopped, walked back to us and started listening. At that point I just stopped talking mid sentence and looked at him like: “what the hell you want?” He just stood there with a joker smile and made a statement about what he thought he heard. Then when he proceeded to walk with the group when we politely tried to find a more private spot. Then we all got on another subject and the whole vibe just was awkward. I mean the young man just wants to be included I get that but don’t be rude and just stand in a conversation that doesn’t involve you. Find other ways to be validated 🙄

submitted by /u/TrydaBNice2Me
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