Don’t let people feel like you can’ live without Them

1 month ago 65

This is a message, especially for the young people out there who may not have much experience with friendships yet.

I can’t stress this enough: relationships are built on three key foundations: Respect, Bonds (the memories and moments you create with people) and Trust

Here’s the thing: when you give too much of your time, energy, and love to friends, they may start to feel like you need them. And once people start feeling like you need them, something shifts. They often begin to lose respect for you.

And when respect is lost, trust soon follows. At that point, no matter how strong the bond you’ve built no matter how many good times you’ve shared it won’t be enough.

This isn’t just advice it’s something I’ve experienced personally, multiple times. It’s a tough lesson, but an important one.

When you value yourself first, the right people will respect you, cherish your presence, and build relationships that are truly meaningful.

Stay strong and stay true to yourself. 🤍

submitted by /u/Ok-Creme3655
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