Does anyone else who runs a naturally low body temp do this in the winter?

2 months ago 68

My normal body temp is 97.8°F instead of the standard 98.6°F. It’s not common but it’s also not rare. That one degree makes me crave the cold more than the average person. I keep my house at 60°F or lower in the winter and usually keep it on AC mode just in case there’s a warmer day. It won’t cut on unless it gets up to 60° so it’s not like I’m throwing away money. I’ve only turned on the heat twice in the last 3 years to keep the pipes from freezing. I have baseboard heaters in the bathrooms because I don’t care who you are, getting out of a warm bed to use the ice cold bathroom in the middle of the night is torture. Plus the pipe thing. It’s currently snowing and i have all the windows open, fans blowing and I’m comfortable. I’m not always hot or anything but I really don’t like heat of any kind. Turning on the central heat makes me feel claustrophobic. Am I alone here or is anyone else like this?

submitted by /u/Stock-Contest-6364
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