Does anyone else parents say they want you to have a good and comfortable life but when you are living a good and comfortable life then they get mad because of it?

2 months ago 35

Hey everyone, hope you are great, so I want to ask about something that I noticed happens a lot in my house.

I am 20f and I live with my mom and my grandma (I am an adopted child originally from morocco but I was born and raised in an european country) I was adopted when I was 20 days alive, I know my biological parents but that is another story.

The thing is that, I love my mom and my grandma, they have raised me and give me the chance to go to college which I will always be thankful for, the thing is that despite this is true that there was a time where they were not exactly good parents, the amount of insults and bad words they told me was really high, there was at the moment some familar problems and they paid them with me.

The thing is that rn I am 20 and I am working on holidays and also studying I also give classes to kids and try to be the most independient person I can, this independence allows me to be able to travel with my friends, hang up a lot with them and more, but that appears to bother my parents sometimes, specially my grandma.

She is constaly saying things like: what a life are you having?. I really do not know what to reply to that, I mean, yes you adopted me and decided to give me a good life, but now you look bother asf because I have a good life and also, I have worked for allowing me to have things, I mean, I work and I pay my social life and my hobbies with the money I make working.

Also while we are eating she is constantly saying to me things like this: do you like the food? in the future when you'll be hungry and with no money you will think about how good we used to feed you.

My mom always asked her: why would she go bankrupt? she is working hard and study a good career for having a good future.

But the way my grandma says it sounds definitely more like a wish, is like if she really wants me to experience poverty in the future.

It bothers me a asf, because I do not understand what is the point of this, I have taken advantage of the wonderful resources they have given me, I have taken advantage of the education they have provide to me, I always tried to do it.

submitted by /u/Few_Tough_7748
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