Its a cruel cold lonely world for the most part, we are all just like ants, generations come and go, and are forgotten. All their lifes work gone.
Your only value ultimately is what you can produce in the work force, both monetary and just the way you are perceived by others
There is no karma system, that makes things right, some of the most cruel people live great wealthy lives, and the kindest person you've never heard of, spends their life working it away for $15 an hour on night shift somewhere
You spend 80% of all your awake time and energy at work, and the little bit of personal time i do have, it always slips between fingers so fast
Its especially rough when your a single male, no partner, no kids, just work and loneliness and seeing the suffering all around you
I really wish I could view life in a different light, but this is all I've seen as long as I've been alive
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