
2 months ago 73

I just randomly stumbled upon an old friend’s instagram account only to see she deleted her wedding photos and doesn’t follow her husband on there anymore. He doesn’t either. Last week two of my friends announced their divorce from their husbands. Every single celebrity couple I liked are now divorced. An influencer from back home whom I adored and who’s content I really enjoyed who has 3 children with her husband is now divorced, my sister is divorced, I’m pretty sure my mom would be if she could afford to support herself financially.

What is the point of marriage is everyone’s going to divorce? I know I sound a little emo and negative but this is a genuinely serious question. If more relationships are doomed to fail why are we getting married? Why is there this dream for girls to have husbands and children and the perfect family and then if it fails or doesn’t happen in the first place we are seen as major failures and wasted or unworthy in society . Social media is filled with conversations about how a woman is expired past 40 if she’s not already married with kids. How can we be set for failure to begin with? Our worth is tired to an institution that is already unstable. I don’t think I’m sad about all this as much as I’m a shocked by the lie I’ve been fed as a woman and growing up. I’ve been fed a lie about how the utmost importance is being chosen to be someone’s wife. I think I wasted most of my time thinking about marriage wanting marriage seeking the right partner and now I’m like wait that’s definitely a scam.

submitted by /u/Exciting-Sock4011
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