Disgusted by dumb people in the US

20 hours ago 5

I understand people are just animals. But humans have evolved abilities no other animal has. We can learn, grow, change, acclimate to new things, communicate, wield tools, terraform, build beautiful things, etc.

But the collective stupidity of people in the United States, and their ability to make dumb choices thst impact my life, has be pissed.

I spent $ to get an undergrad education. I earned a grad degree. I work in public service. I invest in my community but my community is a bunch of morons who are harming themselves and me and my family with their terrible choices.

How do I come to terms with the vast amounts of stupidity and lack of empathy? I am so tired of investing myself in the greater good to only have people tear down the greater good so they can privatize it and then gaslight me about what they're doing, all the while the Maga sheep bleet their hypocritical slogans and drown out reality.

At this point, it seems like humanity needs to start dividing itself between the smart and dumb people. I can't drag idiots to help themselves anymore. They're too far gone. So how do I help myself by staying as far away from their decisions as possible?

I understand society works together to build things but our social system has changed. There is no respect for public service jobs from these people who take take take from them. THEY broke society. I want to navigate the new social system without helping those who jeep choosing to harm others because they are too dumb to see two steps ahead after their decisions.

Being a person who is smarter than the average person SUCKS rn.

submitted by /u/Euphoric_Sock4049
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