Seeking advice/solidarity/support? (Not sure which I just know I need to get this out in a safe community space)
I’m a 35 y/o female, youngest daughter of 3 girls and definitely the black sheep of the family. While I get along well with my sisters and parents, I’m definitely on a different level energetically (I have tattoos & piercings, have found an affinity with reiki, tarot readings, crystals, etc.). And most prominently, I have a much different perspective on death and dying that’s come into the forefront recently.
My dad is 71 and has been married to my mom for 40+ years. He’s always been incredibly driven, supportive of our family, and overall just a good human. As with many older men of his generation, he’s always been a “5 o’clock-aholic” and would wind down at the end of the day with beer, wine, etc. For the past 20 years or so, a couple of drinks escalated to 6 drinks each night and has caused a definite rift with my parents.
My mom has always been a very assertive person but one with a mean streak. Their relationship has been difficult at times (whose marriage isn’t…) but I’ve also always wondered if they even actually like each other!
For the past few years, my dad has slowed down tremendously and the nightly drinking has become as issue. Over the past year specifically, he’s declined rapidly physically and mentally. Fast forward to the week before Christmas, and he was admitted to the hospital for bladder retention and confusion. He’s been diagnosed with alcohol-induced dementia and to keep an already long story shorter…went through a severe alcohol withdrawal in the hospital to the point where he was on a ventilator for 5 days.
This is where the family strife has come into play. Seeing his decline without really getting any solid answers until now, I’ve had a gut feeling that he would go into the hospital and not come out (in my mind, this would have been a blessing since as a nurse, I’ve seen too many patients be kept alive without actually having a quality of life). While he is off of the ventilator and now at an in-patient rehabilitation, he is not the same man that he was before. The combination of withdrawal, ICU delirium, and now the dementia diagnosis (which granted, in this case can show improvement as long as he never drinks again), does not bode well for future improvement or health.
Luckily (or perhaps unluckily), my sisters are also in healthcare and work as physical therapists. They have been fighting so hard along with my mom to get my dad more mentally and physically back to “normal”.
My mom, who has previously vented to me about how frustrated she has been with my dad’s behavior (before hospitalization) and lack of motivation to improve anything, now has completely flipped and is in full fight mode with his entire care team to get him back to “normal”.
Ultimately I’ve had to step away from the daily updates and text messages with my family because my mom is being a nightmare for everyone she comes in contact with. While we’ve grown closer in recent years since I’ve had kids, I hate being around her when she’s in this headspace of being an absolute a** to people that are trying to help. Yes, I completely understand fighting for proper care and attention. But when it’s done without an ounce of basic human decency…I can’t stand it.
These days my dad has moments of clarity but more moments of utter confusion with what year it is, where he is, and what is happening. When he was on the ventilator, I spoke to him frequently and let him know that if he felt that it was his time to pass on, we would all be ok and would support him no matter what. My mom and sisters flayed me for saying this!
Ultimately I feel like I’m failing my family by not being more on board with pushing for a miracle in improvement but I also don’t want to get so caught up in a losing battle when I have a different mindset with all of this to begin with.
I want to be there for my family, but also don’t want to pretend to be someone I’m not.
For anyone who has read all of this, thank you. Even if nothing comes of this post, I appreciate this space to get these thoughts out 🤍
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