Did I do something wrong?
So my mother and my sister (we are both in our 20s) just had an argument. She said some things about our childhood, not feeling welcome at home etc. I wasn't involved in any of this, I was upstairs and could only over hear. My mum texted me later and was saying that I hated her, that she had always been there for us and that she didn't know what she had done to deserve such hatred. I told her that I wasn't involved in the argument between the two of them, that by no means did I hate her but that I didn't wish to talk about the issues or have any involvement in their argument and that I didn't want to take sides. She said that she'd block me then, go her own way and not bother with either of us as she is not needed, and proceeded to block me on all messengers. She then came into my bedroom some time ago, put my Christmas present on my bed and left, no words shared. I'm not sure what this means. For more information on my relationship with my mother it may be helpful to read my previous posts. I am worried I have done something wrong and nervous for what the future holds because things are feeling unpredictable
Thank you all
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