Diabetics - You Are NOT Alone.

3 months ago 36

I've had TikTok for over a year & a half now, normally I would never post something so personal about myself yet I came across this trend "If you were to ask me about.." & I saw other diabetics participate in it; so I told myself if they can tell their story, how they feel, how it affects them on a daily basis, how they struggle then I can tell the world too. I won't lie, being open on social media is a massive step to me, especially when it comes to my diabetes because I for one know that I am far from a "perfect diabetic" & I often go through phases where I am okay for several months then suddenly the burn out mode will hit & that's when I go downhill. 💔 So far my post has had over 100K views, I've had multiple messages & comments from diabetic people saying that I am not alone in the way I think, I've also gained a few diabetic friends through that post I made that I have kept in touch with - That was my main goal with the post, to make others realise that you are NOT alone on this journey & that you should never let your diagnosis become who you are because you're so much more than a diabetic person. ❤️‍🩹 If anyone is interested in my post, please click the link & let me know if you feel like how others do. ❤️

submitted by /u/TheInsaneRedhead
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