Deeply insecure people are more dangerous than we think. They will go out of their way to manipulate, destroy and harm people because they don't like and respect themselves in and in return are unable to like and respect others! Reposted!!

2 days ago 6

These are the people who will go out of their way to destroy and ruin someone else (who has done nothing to them or others) just so they can feel good about themselves. Think of that bully or extremely rude person you know, they terrorise others because deep down they hate themselves. Think of incels and mean girls, they do not like themselves and in turn project that hate to everyone else. And that hate is irrational and causes them to project and be a danger to others (so they don't have to do the work to undo the self loathing) I know this because thats the path I was on in my teens. Hating everyone and everything. Causing drama for no reason and sabotaging. It wasn't until I undid internalised racism that I became a better person because I learned to love and accept myself. And after that healing work, I became a better human and a better friend. Someone who doesn't like themselves is dangerous because they will be unable to like someone else.

submitted by /u/DataKey5729
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