Cold approach, dating, therapy, meds... HELP!

2 months ago 35

Cold approach has low success rate. And when I do get a number/Instagram, I lose women eventually because of my neediness. I can't stand the uncertainty that if this is gonna become a relationship or get me laid.

I keep texting them or trying to ensure that the next date is gonna happen.

I'm 6/10, I think. I'm an average guy. I had one relationship via cold approach which lasted for 1,5 years and kissed some of the girls I've met via it but they didn't last long like I mentioned.

I'm wondering... If I was 8-9/10, even if I acted needy, this wouldn't cost me a lot, would it?

I try to cold approach but nothing's been happening for the last 2 years.

I don't know how to act within social circles and it takes a lot more time to get a relationship, right? Besides, the relationship isn't guaranteed out of it.

I don't have many friends to go to clubs with either.

I'm seeing a therapist and she says stuff like "Don't text girls too often, be mysterious, don't try to kiss them or escalate quickly, be friend with them first(???)", etc.

But then I'm wondering: If I was just like Henry Cavill for instance, no matter what I do, most women would probably adore me, right???

There are a lot of contradicting opinions on dating. "Kiss on the 1st or 2nd date; never kiss until she makes a move." - "Ask her that you want to kiss her; don't do do that, she might misunderstand your intentions." - "Just cold approach. You're one girl away from getting a relationship; don't cold approach, that's creepy. Even if Henry Cavill cold approached me, I would reject him (Would you now???)." - "Just be friend with women; never be friends with women, that might get you friendzoned." ETC...

I also have obsessions. A therapist told me that I had OCPD (obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder). But every doctor and therapist has different diagnoses.

My main issues are in short:

  • I'm a 25 yo male. I can't find a girlfriend. It's been 2 years. I'm scared that I might not find a partner for my entire life.

  • When I see couples on the street, I start to feel jealous.

  • When I do get to know somebody, I generally scare them away with my trying-to-get-guarantee questions such as "Are we meeting this time? Are you definitely coming? " Etc. My main fear is that we're not gonna meet and I'm not gonna get a relationship out of the dates.

  • I also have an intolerance to uncertainty. When women text me late or don't, I start to have heart palpitations, I start to get anxious, nervous and I can't concentrate on any other thing.

  • When I see more successful guys than me, I start to get jealous as well.

Any advice? Thank you.

submitted by /u/JustAskIt91
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