Can you really win in life?

7 hours ago 8
  1. Rich -cool but everyone wants you because of your money and you’ll struggle with meaningful relationships. May have material things and still unhappy.
  2. Broke - problems after problems! And no one wants you 😂
  3. Married - feels stuck with very little freedom and sometimes with straight up abuse and toxic people.
  4. Single - get tired of either loneliness or getting played.
  5. Kids. - work!!
  6. No kids - maybe lonely with no one in old age.
  7. With job - stress.
  8. without job- stress.
  9. beautiful- mostly lusted after and not valued
  10. Ugly - well…I’ll politely say probably not a lot of favors in this cruel world, unfortunately.

And there’s more but I’m wondering wtf, if anyone knows wtf let me know 😂 because whatever it is that we’re doing here is very weird and sometimes I wonder the point of it. I say 95/100 motherfuckers are sad and unhappy or apathetic. Not cool.

submitted by /u/Mindless-Kangaroo565
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