Can you outgrow physically, emotionally and mentally where you live?

2 months ago 75

I been living in my own bedroom apartment for 16 years. I’m also a single dad of two boys, who have now grown up and in college.

My apartment isn’t that big at all, I’m starting to feel like I’m caged in. I’ve also had some bad memories within those 16 years of living there. It has become difficult to relax because I’m tired of living there. It’s effective my mental health. I have thought of moving but I live down the street from my job, Im block away from the lake, walks from public transportation, and the rent is cheap, that’s the hard part because I really can’t afford to pay more than what I’m paying.

My mom says I would be crazy to move,but I need a fresh start, a new environment, new memories and more space. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Coolman824
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