Can’t get into army

1 month ago 26

I am a 23 year old male. I am very healthy and self sufficient and work 50 hours a week as well as workout and eat healthy and focus on bettering myself every single day of my life. I moved to California 3 years back and live in my own apartment and have my own job. I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at. I don’t have any family here and am completely independent.

I work in the woods for a living. I stay in a tent 5 days a week and come home on the weekends in all seasons. I know I am tough as nails. And I have a good head on my shoulders. I’ve never asked anyone for a handout either. I find I have myself at the end of the day and I am confident in myself.

I can’t keep working minimum wage and relying on overtime to survive my whole life. I need something more. School wasn’t for me, and I feel like the army is. Physical strength and activity and stressors are the one thing that drives me to do better. To overcome any obstacle that comes my way no matter how heavy or how strenuous it may be in the moment.

I applied to join the army. I have been open about my status to 3 recruiters so far ( I am hiv positive and undetectable) And they don’t want to help me because of my status. I am absolutely frustrated and disgusted with some of their responses.

“You can’t join, if you bleed during combat you will infect someone.”

And the others have sent me away and refuse to speak to me at all.

I thought it was okay to join with hiv? I am undetectable? And I’ve worked harder than some of the people in these offices. It is fine to join with this disease. Why are they so scared to even send me to get my physical?

I know dang well any doctor can just look at me and know I will do good. And the labs and assessments will only confirm it.

I live in California and I work harder than anyone I’ve ever met out here. I hustle so much and I won’t ever stop until the day I die. I want something more, a purpose. I want to work hard for the rest of my life and help others in any way I can.

Why wouldn’t there recruiters give me a chance?

Is there anyone in the military that can help me? Somebody who understands that this disease is not like what people are think it is. Or am I just wasting my time with these damn recruiters?

What do I do?

I’ve been told I can’t join. And it’s not true. But if I go to another recruiter who is absolutely uninformed and biased over something they have no clue about I am going to be so angry. I thought the military was here to help people and this country.

What can I do?

submitted by /u/Next_Instruction3275
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