Blahhh looking for a job is so hard these days

1 month ago 43

I feel like I'm a really rare kind of person who actually knew what I wanted to do from a relatively young age, and love coming to work every day. I do outdoor education and it really is my passion to build community and bring people into my parks and connect them with the world around them in ways that are increasingly more difficult now that so much of the world is covered in concrete. But the problem is anything nature related is super over saturated, its a low supply high demand work force. I spent every summer in college travelling doing seasonal work, and been consistently employed on seasonal/temporary terms, but cannot get a permanent outdoor education job. I have applied so many places, done so many interviews, and gotten 0 job or even feedback on how to improve myself. I do a good job at what I do, I get cards in the mail telling me I'm great, I have certifications and experience that employers are wanting hires to get after being hired at the cost of thousands of dollars to the would-be company and still nothing. Its so disheartening, especially when you apply to every job in every state you can find, lower your standards, go out of your way, etc. Like all I want is to utilize my degree and be in passion field, and be able to at least afford to live the simplest most basic life. I would stay where I'm at right now if it was permanent and paid enough to live in the area I'm in, but it doesn't and going into debt every 11 months and being tied to man I need out of my life just to afford to live is not the best. Ahhhhhhhh sorry for the rant I needed to get it out.

submitted by /u/Equivalent-Ferret723
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