Asking better questions, being genuine and interested

2 months ago 73

Lately, I’ve been noticing something that’s really been bothering me: I’m having a hard time keeping conversations going, especially with (new) friends or people that I’ve just met.

I’ve always considered myself a pretty social person, and making connections used to feel natural. But now, it feels like I can’t ask good questions or come up with meaningful follow-up questions. I often find myself grasping for something to say…

I don’t know if it’s a confidence thing, a lack of practice, or something else entirely, but it’s been taking a toll on my social life. I really want to get back to feeling comfortable and confident when I’m talking to people.

Do you have any tips or strategies for improving conversational flow or coming up with better questions? How do you deal with it, do the questions you ask come natural? And have any of you experienced something similar? I’d love to hear your thoughts / advice.

submitted by /u/Awareofyoursurround
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