Are there any movies which's screenplay you consider to be a particularly valuable literary work?

4 days ago 27

A more of a general question, but not an irrelevant one me thinks, since in spite of cinema's dominant visual natira;, word has tradionally played no small role in the artistic medium's history.

To me, Julia Ducournau is as an outstanding scriptwriter as well as a terrific director. The screenplays of both feature films she has released as of now (Raw and Titane), while not heavy in dialogue are so full of haunting imagery, so rich in symbolism, that it's impossible for me to resist. I find her work to be quite thematically similiar with the work of authors such as Ottessa Moshfegh and Sayaka Murata.

The screenplay for The Lobster is one highly original, wildly enjoyable and surrealist ride. Both Lanthimos himself and his partner in crime, Greek screenwriter Efthimis Filippou nailed that aspect of it. The dialogue is wonderfully absurd but still somehow manages to make perfect sense in the context of the world it set in.

I think Lars Von Trier is a very underrated screenwriter. All his movies basically revolve around his obsessions but with almsot every each one of the them he delves even further into them. His golden heart trilogy (Breaking The Waves, Dancing In The Dark, Dogville) really remind of Hanya Yanagihara's literary work, in terms of its excessive depiction of human suffering. And I mean that as I compliment since I love Yanagihara.

I can't really think of a litery equavelent but I think Emerald Fennel's Promising Young Woman has a really well-written screenplay, in terms of the story it consists of and how it has been presented to make the final product of the film as gripping as it is. Some hilarious dialogue in there too.

That's all I could think of for now, consequently I hand the baton over to you. If this kind of post is allowed here that is.

submitted by /u/I-Like-What-I-Like24
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