I’m DM’ing a DnD campaign, and we’re doing it over video chat because some of us are long distance, and with specific pieces of text, photos, and other things of that nature, I’d send it through chat, kind of as both a log and for the comedic nature of it.
I’m doing a gag in it where they read a specific book, and I would send this piece of text, with both examples:
“You read a book about a woman falling in love with a couch—it is surprisingly thought-provoking.”
“You read a book about a woman falling in love with a couch. It is surprisingly thought-provoking.”
Is it acceptable to use both an em dash and a full stop in this sentence?
I’m not trying to be literarily perfect and write a book or anything. I just wrote it and was curious as to the rules of English, and what would work better.
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