Anyone find success in their career after initially screwing it up?

1 month ago 36

I (26M)can’t stop crying. The only good thing I have in my life is my job. I work in a healthcare job, but the road has been awful. During my last year in school, I had a mental breakdown and didn’t pursue the things I wanted because of anxiety. In my field, the best time to pursue a residency or post grad track is right after graduation, I didn’t do that due to anxiety and low belief in myself.

After graduation took a stressful wrong job that didn’t workout. Was jobless for a month, the worst month of my life. I had to move to another state to get a full time job which I’m taking a massive paycut for experience, plus I don’t get time off ever.

I’ve been applying to other jobs but most want a ton of experience or extra training. It’s hard to do extra training once out of school because they prefer fresh grads. I’m a hard worker but nobody wants to take a chance on me.

If I had a good job I enjoyed I’d never want to date or have a family. I’m okay being all alone.

I can’t believe the first 1.5 year out of school will define my entire future. Please any advice at all.

Ending it in the next few years can’t be the only option I have.

submitted by /u/ConfusedLad990
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