Anyone else only start to get a glow up (style, looks) in your mid-late 20s?

1 month ago 23

I see all the time that people looked bad when they were young teens but then would get a glow up from like 18-22 or in their college years because they would have finished going through puberty and now look like adults. They usually also dont have braces or acne anymore and can freely walk around in their prime.

This was not the case for me. Sure i looked awkward in my teens, but my young adult years looked even worse - i developed really bad acne and somehow my fashion style was still bad.

But I'm only realising im hitting my stride in like my mid 20s because i make an income now and can actually buy clothes that I want and that look good on me, and have also started taking exercise a lot more seriously. I also never got braces as a teen and am only going to get them soon.

Issue is, as im finally able to dress up nicely and redo my wardrobe in the way ive always wanted to but never could as a teen, I'm also thinking how long can i even do this for until it's weird for my age.

For example, i like different styles but i also like experimenting with styles that lean towards "alt" and so on. I never got to have an "alt" fashion phase in my teens cause i lived with conservative parents and just wore whatever clothes they gave me. I was also broke. But if im 25, how long can i even wear more "alt" styles for until im just considered weird lol

So it feels like im only getting to do now in my mid 20s what a ton of people did in their teens or college years. For example im seeing so many transformations on social media from teens going from 14 to 18, becoming jacked and developing a face Brad pitt would be jealous of.

And im thinking what the hell was I doing in my teens. It certainly wasn't any of that. I was just busy with school and playing video games with friends.

Anyone else feel like they're a late bloomer and only now feeling confident in their mid 20s or older?

submitted by /u/Major-Cricket2196
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