The constant ripping off of other persons? Always pushing and struggling for more while having to defend yourself from all directions. Having your worth determined by your income. Everything being about money and work and bills. Everything being cold and cruel and a constant struggle? Don't people get tired of it? Then there's the lies and manipulation and constant fighting and power struggles on top of it. Everyone looking to use someone else for their own benefit. Is there any part of this that is good? Or is the whole thing trying to carry a boulder up a mountain while also trying to defend yourself and dodge everything being thrown at you?
Is that all there really is anymore? I sure don't hear of or encounter much else these days. It's us vs them. Employer vs employee. Male vs female, ethnicity vs ethnicity...utilities, employeyers, customers, significant others social acceptance, It's just all struggle all fight all defence all day long all year long all decade long .. I'm tired man, idk about yall but I'm fkn tired.. and don't even get me started on the sad ass payout for anything we do, just makes it all the more not worth it.
For a world that asks for quite a bit, for all the work put in and misery caused , for all the trauma and therapy sessions is any of this even worth anything we get or experience? Is any part of this even good anymore?
"Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other." - John Coffey, The Green Mile
Why can't life just be good? Why does it always seem to be far more struggle and pain than the payout is ever worth?
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