Any interesting conspiracies about birth control pill?

2 months ago 33

I was listening to Candace Owen's about birth control pill and how it has been marketed as completely safe to young women for decades now. Any side effects they have is just dismissed as coincidence or anxiety and they are put on even more pills for that. Many American girls start on birth control hormones very young 15-16 and stay on it for decades until they finally decide to have a baby. These are synthetic hormones which stop ovulation and implementation and basically tricks the body into thinking it's already pregnant. And so women get all these side effects like bloating, nausea, headaches, mood swings etc which is normally experienced during pregnancy. And also increase risk of serious side effects like heart attacks, cancer etc. Then they are diagnosed with some mood disorder and put on anti depressants and more pills. Also it has been shown that women on BCP choose men with less testosterone as partners bc they already have all the pregnancy hormones flowing through them. So when they come off BCP and their natural hormones start flowing again, they may not find their current partner attractive anymore.

I believe the BCP and artificial hormones is seriously messing up young women's brains and emotions. That's you see most of American young women on BCP are Liberal, they hate manly men. When they get married, come off BCP and start having babies, then their brains start working again and become

submitted by /u/sonucanada
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