another illustration of the "all in it together" globalist takeover

2 months ago 30

remember the g20 protests in toronto? "this is not canada", to quote a cop from Dan Dick's documentary on the subject.

they put citizens in cages. this including folks in wheelchairs, disabled folks, etc. they put them in cages that had been created just to demonstrate this level of public control. they were deprived of health and dignity. and this was all planned beforehand for this event.

and nobody who did this faced any accountability. many of the victims had to pay.

when the trucker protests later happened a decade+ later, and the cops sent in to shut it down had their name badges removed and were likely shipped in from another country - this was just the same kinda move.

the rules of the nation did not apply.

understand that the machinery for a globalist takeover has been tested many times. y'all just don't seem to be aware that it actually functions. today.

they can take you away. they can take your kids away. they can harm you. they can inject you. they can put you in cages.

the rules of the country do not apply.

don't pretend you didn't see it.

and the most important part. everybody you see on tv supported it. everybody in bureaucracy. the cops. the doctors.

they all supported it - the ones that currently remain anyway. now maybe it's time to think about who you put your trust in.


oh yeah..and don't forget the russian leadership at the time was there at g20. they're all in it together. don't forget that either. there is no true global conflict at the top. it's all for show. and you all get sucked into it if you let yourselves.

submitted by /u/LanceHardwick
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