So I DMd this girl on Instagram about some time back. Honestly when I did I didn't think she would give me the time of day coz she's beautiful y'all, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. As a guy who struggles with getting female attention it only made sense. I didn't think I was interesting for her and waited for her to leave me on read.
But she never did. She replied, and we have chatted on and off since. And I realised it's now been 3 years now and we become rather close. We even connect emotionally and how we see the world. And have expressed desire to see each other physically in the future. They say love comes when you at least expect it but if this is love I am afraid of this guys. She sooo out of my league. I may have ambition and drive, but I am not that big, buff or tall. Something I thought beautiful girls only go for. I often ask myself why would she go for a guy like me?
Maybe it's My insecurities are still rearing their ugly head again...and I'm afraid of sabotaging something this good and unexpected by making romantic moves. What do you think guys ...
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