Am I making a mistake

1 month ago 66

I (38F) have been with (35M) for two years now. Our relationship is lovely. I have four kids from previous relationships. We are dating long distance and have come to a crossroads in the relationship. The next steps are to keep dating long distance (which neither of us want) break up or I move my children and I down to his town to continue dating like we did before he moved away. The plan is for my to move later this year. Each time I talk about the future, he does not seem as enthused as I am. I have asked how he feels because to me anything but an enthusiastic yes, is a no. He assures me he is excited about me coming down there, but is not ready to progress further in the relationship like engagement or marriage. I have assured him that that is not what I am demanding from this move. But as the date gets closer, I am becoming increasingly worried that maybe I am not seeing the forest for the trees and making a mistake. He states that he gets anxious with change and also that were he in my shoes he wouldn't make this big life change with his imagined children were there not the promise of further commitment. Reddit, please help me realize what I should do?

submitted by /u/Sweaty_Asparagus41
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