Am I doing life wrong?

2 months ago 116

Hi everyone, I’m just confused on what it means to live a normal life? I feel like I’m doing it wrong, in comparison to everyone around me. Here’s a backstory: I’ve always excelled in school (honors with distinction student). I knew I wanted to continue my studies to become some type of doctor. I applied to optometry school and got into every single that I applied to WITH scholarships for 5 years straight. However, I wasn’t able to attend due to personal reasons (ie. Couldn’t get enough loans, health reasons). I was finally able to start school 6 months ago, however, I had to drop out because of health reasons (I was recently diagnosed with RA). Now I’m 27F with no career and back to square 1. I have to find another path that would best suit me. It’s just so odd looking for something else when I knew my entire life what I was wanted to do, but now I can’t because of my limitations. It’s just not like any of the stories you hear where you work hard and you get what you want. I guess there’s luck involved to?

submitted by /u/Ok-Orange9456
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