Am i bad person?

2 months ago 83

so, im not exactly an adult (mentally).
so around early covid...i was being groomed by people (online) i posted about this once too.
in short, my dad wasnt particularly happy and expressed it physically. basically i was a sinner and a bad person for trying to find comfort in people other than my family, who wouldnt provide it

now that im about to move out for college, both my parents have suddenly turned into "sweet elders".
they stopped with the physical ,at the least.
and have treated me significantly better recently.

ever since i have been treated better, i feel like an AH. is it normal to feel guilty and underserving when someone is being nice to you?
i feel like this thing is getting stronger and is messing with my daily life. i feel more anxious when someone does anything at all for me because i feel a strong obligation to pay them back.

and my grades havent been the best for some time. i just really need advice on how i can stop this

submitted by /u/Turbulent_Throat_275
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