AITAH!! I know I’m the AHole! I need tips

2 months ago 26

I’ve been with my Bf for 6 years now! I love this man to death! But I recently cheated on him! I made out with another guy! It didn’t go beyond that! And I’ve been feeling extremely guilty about what I did! My man has been supporting me through these tuff times! And I’ve been the biggest asshole! 3 years ago we moved to a different city! And ive been unhappy since! I know thats no excuse to cheat on him! An Ive been doing my best to be a supportive gf! Ive been thugging it out but i can’t do it anymore! Part of me wants to leave and go be me But the other half wants to be with him cuz hes helped me out so much! Provides for me ! And he loves me! I just feel so shitty! Idk what I feel! I just feel dead! It hasn’t been the same after we got our abortion then we tried to add a female to our relationship! That made it worst and I got even more unhappy and depress! I’ve tried breaking up but the thought of him being with another women makes me so mad! Some days I wish he would break up with me!

submitted by /u/LaniiDD
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