AI and the endearment of literature

3 months ago 36

So as an aspiring writer myself this is something that deeply worries me. Sure, the technology isn't that great now, but it will only evolve as time passes. I'm 26 and only recently discovered my writing passion; I've been an avid reader my whole life though. I worry that if AI gets to a point where it can produce a whole book, what will happen to fiction and non-fiction writers? It depresses me that even panting is probably going to be replaced by AI very soon. If AI gets to a point where it can produce a piece of work in the style of say Hemingway for example, there is nothing incentivising publishing houses to take on new human writers because truthfully most people don't want to consume work that challenges them. Hence I think the majority of the population would be fine with AI written slop since the quality would be about the same. And if you can get AI to produce a sci-fi epic for you that caters to your exact parameters there won't even be a need to buy books. I just don't get why we're so keen these days to hand over everything that makes us human over to machines; it makes me very depressed.

I think about AI replacing the arts and it makes me feel empty. I don't think I want to live in a world where humans are merely passive consumers and machines have all the fun jobs while we break our backs. Make no mistake; publishing houses in particular will replace writers with AI in a heartbeat if they could. I've also noticed that the world in general is very anti art and anti beauty. It's cool that we've made many advances in medicine and science, but as said in the dead poets society, we live for poetry, beauty and romance. I'd hate for that to be sacrificed for a soulless machinal world where humans are nothing more than slaves with no original thought. The future of the arts in general seems very bleak because businesses only goal is to make money.

submitted by /u/Iliketoeatpoop5257
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