After making it in life financially, I've decided to downsize

4 hours ago 5

I felt the need to do the opposite what everyone around me did, and decided to downsize and simplify my life as much as possible.

I sold my BMW to buy an 20 year old grandmother car.

I left my big house with big garden to live in a small house with direct neighbours.

I left my well paid job to earn now only 15% what I used to earn.

I left my business clothes in storage to wear casual clothes only.

I deleted all my financial apps and unfollowed the market.

I stopped reading the news to follow philosophical conversations instead.

The list goes on but I just wanted to make a point. The point that I'm trying to make is that I miss: my nice car, quite evenings without neighbours noise, the extra cash to spend it on whatever I feel like, neat clothes, and what's going on in the world.

Now it's time to make it all back again.

submitted by /u/WhatWouldYourMother
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