
2 months ago 50

I am visiting my family and because Pulp Fiction was on TV, I decided to watch TV for the first time in a long time.

I haven't seen TV advertisements in forever. However, I thought it was interesting how different the advertisements aimed at women and men were.

Advertisements for women:

"If you wear this cologne, you will feel like an absolute beautiful godess."

"Here are some pads so you can do fun activities while you're on your period."

"You're getting old and not feeling so good? Here are some pills for menopausal women."

Advertisements for men:

"If you wear this cologne, you will feel like a beautiful god AND women will drool all over you."

"Men are supposed to build stuff, so buy some of our tools and materials."

"Tired from work? Drink some beer."

submitted by /u/hwyncantoluz
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