Why such a beta, Morty? Does your daddy know that you are a sexless boi or cuck who shoots his loads to pixels? He must be so proud of ya!
Seriously guys, meat beating is a copium (like religions) but for incels and cucks. Its self humiliation basically and gae move. And its so funny seeing guys who unironically call cucking yourself a selfpleasure yet deny their homo, like bruh make your mind.
Now dude gotta ask why not touch grass instead of helping feminists into making other males betas too? Just imagine what would happen to a weakling like u in gladiators or spartans time. Or imagine telling some gladiator or general "hey bro shooting yo loads to pixels is hEaLThy FOR ThE pROStATE" (its always hilarious seeing coomers on cope of this theoretical bs as if cucking yourself is some magical shield lmao). Do better. Grow a pair and become a man.
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