About an Issue I Had With Broward County Ballot Status Notifications

1 week ago 28

There's a Ballot Status Notifications web page for Broward County where you can request confirmation that your mailed-in ballot was received, but I experienced some issues with it. The online form asks for your name, email, phone number, and either registration number or date of birth, and then returns a message saying "your message has been sent" (or something like that).

I tried several times last week with different variations of my name, some with my date of birth and some with my registration number, but never received the promised response, so I called the phone number under General Contact Information and spoke to a woman there.

She checked and assured me that my ballot had been received and accepted, but I told her that I'd prefer to have it in writing, and I was concerned about the problem I was having with the website form. I said that I thought it was something they should be concerned about, and left it at that.

Later that same day I finally received the "Your Ballot Has Been Accepted' email that I was looking for.

So if you've sent in a mail-in ballot, try out the Ballot Status Notifications web page and please post here whether or not you received confirmation.

submitted by /u/Parrot132
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