Powerless is literally a mix of tropes and copy paste of Red Queen. If you read the descriptions for both books, you'd barely be able to tell them apart. Honestly, I'm surprised Victoria Aveyard the author of Red Queen hasn't taken legal action against Lauren Roberts for plagiarism yet. Crediting and respecting an author's original work should always be a given. It's as if the author took all the best scenes of other books and made a story out of it. Reckless is another sequel of recycled scenes from other novels. The sewer scene and the fight in the ring are almost direct lifts from Assassin's Blade. All the tournament events in The Hunger Games seem heavily borrowed. Katniss excels at archery and so does Paedyn. In the second trial, waking up by the lake Kai climbed a tree to survey the surroundings just like Katniss did. The canteens carrying medicine also mirror the details from The Hunger Games. The Lost Princess is another clear lift from the Throne of Glass series. The author definitely struggles to come up with original ideas. It's disappointing how little depth or development there is overall. I wonder which book she'll copy for the finale. Ps. Don't tell me these are just tropes. It feels more like you're copying the scenes, down to every last detail.
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