A.I is going to destroy humanity as we have known it.

1 month ago 12

Title. I may be wrong or right but i don't see many positive aspects of A.I. Especially once achieved sentient A.I, i see things happening like in iRobot and the Matrix. One things for sure, we are in a major turning point in history. I really dont understand the push and massive funding of A.I. What advantages are we gonna have? Of course we are going to be able to have massive technological advancements and breakthroughs because of A.I but how much good is it gonna cause? I think it has the potential to completely dehumanize humans and making them slaves to a whole new system. Worse than the one we are living in right now and it for sure wont take a decade from now to become reality. Life may indeed become a total simulation. Nothing will be real anymore.

submitted by /u/Obsidian-Ob
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