You made me understand something during our conversation. Ive always held the same view as you, that a person should be ok with being alone so they are secure in a relationship. But this moment made me realise the otherside of that, sharing life with another. The beauty of acknowledgment, its why we share music, watch movies with our friends, point out specific parts and validate with each-other the parts we love. Thats the same as a relationship, its validating the parts we love about life with another person who views life the same as us. The same likes the same dislikes, the same tastes. In some way dependant on their view of us but also not ashamed to show our vulnerable side, because we trust that they will love that and dance with us no matter how bad our dance moves are, a person who witnesses our life. In that way making it real. Its like making a painting and no one complimenting its beauty. Does it really exist?
But it was only a first date, so why does it hurt. Like the most beautiful flower that dies before it blossoms. An infinite potential stopping at 1.
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