A best-friendship is fading out and I think I'll let it happen

1 month ago 47

We're both in our early twenties and have known each other for a long time, but became really close in 2023 and we saw each other very frequently and would call, etc. We were neighbors so it was easy. It was a rough time for us both, and I'm grateful for her being there. But in 2024 she had a lot of life changes, new boyfriend, moved outside the city-- I can still commute there if I want to but it does take a while. I'm not upset about any of these changes, I'm happy for her and I feel like these are natural things that end friendships. I feel like she has a lot of other options of friends to talk to and hang out with, and because I don't have a car, it can be hard. I also don't use other social media sites, so simple things like sending each other funny posts or watching stories doesn't happen. These past couple months has been hard on me too, which caused some friction. And I do worry that that friction impacted us, which makes me feel regretful. Anyways, The last time we saw each other, the silences felt awkward, I felt like I needed to find things to talk about, and that is a clear sign to me that we've grown apart.

Usually, if it's been a while I send the text just to touch base, and check in, which can feel a little one sided. I think I am kind of seeing if she will reach out, but I think I'm okay if things fade out. I think that the way things have gone down is natural, and maybe we served our purpose in each others' lives. I think we will still have some sort of contact, but I don't think the closeness will come back. But I'll accept if life brings us back together somehow. I'm grateful for the time spent together

submitted by /u/collisioncandy
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