31M meeting people

2 months ago 67

I’m 31, struggling to meet people. I spent my 20s moving states and building my career. I’m an engineer, moved to a small town in Georgia in February. Ive had a few long term relationships. I’m a decent looking guy, very normal average guy. I have some work friends, but there always busy with there family’s. I go to the gym and play pickleball at open courts. I’ve embraced solo travel to an extreme. Costa Rica, Italy, the Philippines. I also travel for work often china, Korea, or Germany. I can’t seem to meet women in there 20s in this small town or really even make a friend group. I know that I have a good career, I’m lucky to be able to see the world but I’m very lonley. Maybe I have issues connecting to people, or maybe it’s my age and this small town. Idk what to do. Open to advice or opinions.

submitted by /u/WordInitial5522
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