(21F) I lied about being pregnant now I feel like a psychopath

3 months ago 32

It started with meeting a guy (26M) on tinder. He told me after a night together that he actually lives with his much older girlfriend , she is in her late 40s. We both didn’t let it go and we kept seeing each other for months. Feelings grew on both sides but he would not let go of his comfortable life with his sugar mama. Out of loneliness and desperation I lied to him and told him he got me pregnant, I lied about getting an abortion. Bordline psychopath behavior , all in the hope he would give me more attention and be more invested me.

It actually worked, he wanted to spend more time with me. But the guilt was eating me up , so I decided to tell him and told him to never contact me again. I deleted his number. Erased everything.

Now I just feel empty.

submitted by /u/strawberryjellybaby
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