2024 reflection

2 months ago 30

Well, this year for me has been a turning point in a way for my personal life (some of the things I’ve experienced for some it may be an everyday thing, but for me it’s more significant).

I’ve experienced optimism, fear, belonging, loneliness….

Well this year it’s the most I’ve been going out socialising since around 2017/18 (i was 11/12 in 2017/18). Almost to the point where I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been out. I’ve been to pubs, pantomimes, malls, cinemas, cafes, yoga, laser tag, restaurants, clubs, walks. Yea I know to some of y’all this is normal, but to me this means a lot. I used to be very lonely and rarely socialise (I think covid had its impact too).

This year I’ve also been in situations which in my personal life I’ve found quite mind-blowing.

  • i got fired for the first time ever from my job 5 days into 2024
  • i worked at a pub briefly with my old childhood best friend, as well as the pub being ran by my former nursery (kindergarten for you yanks 😂) teacher
  • left education and classroom learning (im 18 and finished uk college)
  • started working at a gym as a personal trainer
  • met this absolutely amazing girl who I would consider one of the bestest friends I’ve ever had
  • i also have a massive crush on this girl which I’ve never really been friends with any of my crushes before
  • I’ve been doing lots of nice socialising with her like cooking at her house, training together, going on walks, going to cafes to study (even if she doesn’t fancy me back, i still really value her as like a friend)
  • i went out clubbing for the first time ever last night and it was a wacky experience.

Like i said, these are just some personal things that have happened this year which are really starting to shape me and a definite step in the right direction, as well as being in scenarios I’ve never been in.

I think im starting to experience wisdom more as im being exposed to all these new opportunities. This year I’ve learnt what it’s like to feel love for someone, I’ve also learned what i want in life, alongside dealing with feelings of missing, longing etc, and how i can learn to manage my expectations for certain things.

Im hoping for a good 2025!

(Sorry for the bad grammar :/)

submitted by /u/askingforarefill
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