Me and my girlfriends (both 20) first relationship in our life lasted 2 years and its on the edge, ready to jump off at any unknown moment. She became more invested in her religion after meeting another girl on the internet and they chatted all days ever since she first met her in a videogame we both played. I know and chat with her too as we have a groupchat etc, but after meeting her everything began to go downhill. They also met in rl three times as a side note. She chats with her everyday and became more invested in her religion and started to take it very seriously. Me on the other hand am not religious, but we once already had a talk that this relationship should end because i am not religious and thus not have the same beliefs, expectations, future goals etc.
Since then i tried to learn about it etc to TRY to become religious but its not working so the relationship will probably end soon, but we atleast tried.
I dont blame her for anything, im proud that she met that girl and found a good friend, got into her religion more deeply and knows what she wants, but on the other hand i wish she never met her, but thats probably just because then, the relationship wouldnt be this problematic, but maybe it would have been in the future.
I don't know, its keeping my mind very busy and hers too and i just wish this relationship would continue and Religion wouldnt matter, but thats sadly not the case. The reason its still continuing is because we both really do not have the strength to end it. Yet.
Who knows, maybe we will meet a better partner someday, but i just cant imagine someone being so nice, friendly, caring, loyal etc as she is. She accepted and lived with the flaws i have, she forgave me for mistakes ive made in the relationship. She is perfect as a whole. I dont think any other girl is going to be like that. I want her and no one else, but yeah...
I think i dont acknowledge that im just 20 and have all the time in the world to meet someone else and so on though. Life continues, so many things are going to happen... But we live in the present, and i want her now, in the present. I cant really think about the future... Yeah, i just wanted to share this. Idk, i just rambled, sorry.
I also really cant imagine throwing away all the gifts she gave me. All the pictures in my bedroom and everything that came from her. She also has some makeup stuff etc at my place too. What should i do with that?
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