(19F) recovering from a lifetime of being unschooled- working towards GED.

1 month ago 27

I (F19) was neglected as a child due to my father’s undiagnosed mental illness. Despite begging to go to school and join activities, my father refused, while my mom worked two jobs and had no say. I was unschooled and had to teach myself everything beyond age 7-8.

Though I’ve often struggled with shame and guilt over circumstances beyond my control, I’m now working hard to earn my GED. I’ve scored 90-100% in all my classes and, despite my academic insecurities, I’m proud of my progress. With the support of my boyfriend, overcoming these challenges has been so beyond healing. Being recognized by my teachers affirms my worth and proves I can take control of my life and future.

It’s been scary navigating friendships and a social life after being isolated my entire childhood. I often feel like an alien here to be humiliated, but somehow, I am loved for my flaws and my growth. It’s never too late to take control of your life. I feel like I’ve bloomed, but my thorns still carry the guilt and shame of what could’ve been—if only my father cared more.

Ps. I don't blame my mom for letting the abuse happen, last year she finally divorced my dad after 30+ years, and we’re so happy now. I’m starting my own life, visiting another country with my boyfriend, and feeling close to peace. It’s never too late to take control.

submitted by /u/Short-Impress-4981
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