19 Always angry and resentful and have a general negative outlook on everything.

1 month ago 36

I hate everything and everybody. I hate waking up in the morning and dealing with myself let alone another human asshat. I have such a disdain towards everything and everyone in my life because I see everybody as fake. People pretend to like other people, they pretend they're fine but we're all just trying to cope with the fact that we'll all inevitably die and that we're just more evolved apes. I have so many thoughts that just fuel this rage but I have nowhere to direct it I just want to cry out of frustration. I hate myself for how I am but I hate other people too I wish the earth would just blow up. Im so alone and im always uneasy I feel like Im just talking to the fucking void. Everyday I wake up to the same lonely fucking existence and I see these retards smiling on instagram I wish I could reach through my screen and strangle them. I am only motivated by my severe and worsening existential dread. The only time my mind is not focused on death is when Im doing something but Im getting sick of doing any fucking thing honestly. I hate this wretched mortal plane and I hate this species as a whole.

submitted by /u/Mobile_Department721
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